Photoshop Tennis
<----This is what i did in class.
I had never heard of this so called Photoshop tennis before a colleague of mine, whom we shall refer to as "Dave" told me about it. Needless to say i was intrigued by this game that commrads from all over the world shared delight in. So, I took it upon myself to learn more about this unique behavior.
The following is an accurate representation of the events that happend between the hours of 1600 and 1800 hours January 31st year twenty naught seven:
As i picked up my cell phone i knew exactly what needed to be done. I hit my speed dial and the events of days past slowly came to mind. My colleague, Dave had given me a very rough run down of how this thing worked. Apparently, you are supposed to pick a theme and edit a variety of photos to accommodate that theme. What happens, is you take an image and make certain alterations within an alloted amount of time. When the time is up you send your work in progress to your partner. This is called a volley. After a set number of volleys a third party evaluates the changes made by each player and decides who had the better technique, originality, and any other quality you feel necesary to your match...
"Hello?" My friend whom we shall call "Marco" picks up. Marco is a friend of mine from back when i lived in NC. When it comes to software Marco is always in top gear. About a thousand years ago when i was in middle school, he was a comrade that i would edit web pages with. I quickly tell him the situation and after a short deliberation, we decide on a theme.
I picked the initial image, and i picked it because it looked to have many possibilities. This is what i picked:
The volleys would be 10 minute increments and that was all we decided on because Marco could not spend to much time delving into the details. As a result we did not have time to find a third party judge. The first thing that i did was to add the monster truck wheels to the boat, that was kind of difficult because i had to find a monster truck oriented the same way as the boat. I used the lasso tool and the shift + ctrl + I to delete the inverse of what i selected and then just copied the same tire 3 times. I then used the lasso tool to cut out the back tire to fit behind the boat. Next, Marco did something crazy and spliced the boat car into a line up of airplanes and shrank down the boat car to be in proportion to the airplanes. Next switched everything to grey scale and then added the non grey scale sky background. Next, Marco added the nuclear blast. Lastly i added some color highlights to the boat car and added jets flying around in the sky. All of the jets are actually from just two jets, and i just changed the scale and rotation of them. Also i did some color blending to make the jets seem to be actually flying around in a dark sky nuclear blasted sky. This is the final image:
As you can see a lot has changed. My final verdict on this is that is can be very fun if you have lots of spare time on your hands.