Tuesday, February 6, 2007

T Party!

T House
As some may know, i just recently came back from a trip to Beijing. While i was there i had the opportunity so see some of Steven Holl's work in progress, including the MoMA building he is making right in downtown Beijing. What you may not know about the MoMA that Steven is building in Beijing is: it is actually a very high end apartment complex... strange right? I thought so too. Anyway, the reason i know this is because my parents had a brochure of the spaces. The interior's of the Beijing MoMA are actually really fascinating. Holl uses a system of swinging and sliding walls to open and close space for privacy/exposure depending on the situation or mood. John Fairey would go nuts. So the reason i talk about his MoMA in Beijing is because it is nearly the exact same thing as this "T House" design in Copenhagen. Now, if you think i am downing this, you are wrong. It's interesting what he is doing. In Beijing, lack of space is a big issue. In fact when i was there it was just announced that the max allowable square footage of apartments was going to be reduced due to issues of space. In Copenhagen, he is solving a different problem. He has made the structures into the shape of "Ts" because it increases the number of rooms that will have a view to the "Scandinavian sky" which is apparently breath-taking, and specific to the buildings location. Also, the T House and MoMA have a very similar color scheme and style. Hats off Steven, hats off.

T- Husene: Copenhagen, Denmark

Modern MoMA: Beijing, China